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Towards the harmonization of data collection - A baseline study for e-waste in East Africa


United Nations Institute for Training and Research International Telecommunication Union

This baseline study by ITU, UNITAR and EACO for e-waste in East Africa, towards the harmonization of data collection, introduces the mixed use of tools and surveys to apply a harmonized approach to collecting data and statistics on e-waste, at the East Africa regional level.


Regional E-waste Monitor for Latin-America 2022


United Nations University United Nations Institute for Training and Research International Telecommunication Union United Nations Industrial Development Organization

The Regional E-waste Monitor for Latin-America 2022, presents results for the 13 countries participating in project UNIDO-GEF 5554. The report provides an assessment of statistics, legislation, and management infrastructure of e-waste and persistent organic pollutants in Argen...


The Regional E-waste Monitor for the Arab States 2021


United Nations University United Nations Institute for Training and Research International Telecommunication Union

The Regional E-waste Monitor for the Arab States 2021 provides an assessment of statistics, legislation, and management infrastructure of e-waste in Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, The State of Palest...


Regional E-waste Monitor CIS + Georgia 2021


United Nations University United Nations Institute for Training and Research

The Regional E-waste Monitor for the CIS + Georgia 2021 provides an assessment of statistics, legislation, and management infrastructure of e-waste in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekis...


The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on E-waste in the First Three Quarters of 2020


United Nations Environment Programme United Nations University United Nations Institute for Training and Research

In the first three quarters of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a 30% fall in electronic and electrical equipment sales in low- and middle-income countries, but only a 5% decline in high-income countries, highlighting and intensifying the digital divide between North and Sou...


In-depth review of the WEEE Collection Rates and Targets in the EU-28, Norway, Switzerland, and Iceland


United Nations University United Nations Institute for Training and Research

UNITAR/United Nations University present an in-depth review on the WEEE Collection Rates in the EU-28, Switzerland, Norway and Iceland, which shows that the implementation mechanisms of WEEE legislation, such as the ‘all actors’ approach, a clearing house, and mandatory handov...


Framework for the environmentally sound management of hazardous wastes and other wastes


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

The framework for ESM of hazardous wastes and other wastes was developed to identify what countries should do at the national level and collectively as parties to the Convention to address the challenges of implementing ESM of wastes in a systematic and comprehensive manner. I...


Strategies, Actions and Incentives to Promote Environmentally Sound Management of Used and End-of-life Computing Equipment


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

Through this report, the extent to which certification schemes are currently used can be understood, It provided the basic requirements of a national and regional strategy for environmentally sound management of computer equipment waste; guidance to developing countries and co...


E-waste Prevention, Take-back System Design and Policy Approaches


This paper explores the large variety of policy options that have been implemented around the world and it draws some conclusions about the nature of responses to the e-waste problem and potential policy recommendations.


Sustainable Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in Latin America


International Telecommunication Union

The report analyses the environmental impacts and health effects associated with inadequate management of e-waste in order to identify risks and opportunities. Policymakers in the region should consider these risks and opportunities when designing new policies and regulations ...

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