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Facilitating Partnerships for Environmentally Sound Management of E-waste in India


Secretariat of the Basel Convention

In view of the growing concerns of e-waste management across the globe, in particular, the developing countries of Asia, the Secretariat of Basel Convention, under the project on Environmentally Sound Management of e-Waste in Asia Pacific, supported 10 Asian countries. India, ...


L.Sup27: Supplement on success stories on e-waste management


International Telecommunication Union

This Supplement sheds light on e-waste management success stories in different countries. The Supplement covers different policies, legislation, initiatives, and different stakeholders' involvement (government, private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and informa...


E-waste Volume I: Inventory Assessment Manual


United Nations Environment Programme

This is a first manual on WEEE/ E-waste which is prepared as a guidance document to support WEEE/E-waste inventorisation and assessment risks involved. The “Definition” of WEEE/Ewaste varies across the continents and countries. These definitions have been discussed to assist p...

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