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The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on E-waste in the First Three Quarters of 2020


United Nations Environment Programme United Nations University United Nations Institute for Training and Research

In the first three quarters of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused a 30% fall in electronic and electrical equipment sales in low- and middle-income countries, but only a 5% decline in high-income countries, highlighting and intensifying the digital divide between North and Sou...


Future E-Waste Scenarios


United Nations Environment Programme United Nations University

StEP, UNU, and UNEP IETC worked extensively on e-waste issues and made an attempt to look into the future of the problem in order to initiate policy level discussions on the challenges and opportunities ahead. Having insight into the future will help policymakers and industrie...


E-waste Country Study Ethiopia


Solving the E-waste Problem (StEP) Initiative and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) have established a formal partnership focusing on the development of a sound e-waste management system for Ethiopia. In service of this goal, this study was carried out ...


Solving the E-waste Problem (StEP) Initiative: Annual Report 2015-16 2017


The e-waste challenge is complex. The production, consumption, and disposal of electronics encompasses extensive supply chains and a variety of participants. `Sound, salient e-waste solutions that reduce adverse impacts and supports circular economy require a coordinated, syst...


Waste Crime - Waste Risks: Gaps in Meeting the Global Waste Challenge


United Nations Environment Programme

This publication is based on the latest research findings, and involvement from practitioners such as the formal waste sector, inspectors, law enforcement officers and prosecutors. It provides insight into the possible scale and features of the main drivers, along with case st...


Patent Landscape Report on E-waste Recycling Technologies


United Nations Environment Programme

The report provides patent based evidence on the available technologies and the patenting trends in the area of electronic waste (E-waste) recycling and material recovery, while it is intended to provide background and supporting information to the Partnership for Action on Co...


The Long View - Exploring Product Lifetime Extension


United Nations Environment Programme

The report investigated several ways to extend the useful lives of products: (1) by simply using products for a long(er) time, (2) by extending their use through design, maintenance and upgrades, and/or (3) by recovering broken products through repair, refurbishment or remanuf...


Design for Sustainability: A Step-by-Step Approach


United Nations Environment Programme

This manual is a global guide for designers and industry, it provides support to ecodesign novices and those looking to further their understanding of the field. It focuses on three different design approaches: redesign of existing products, radical sustainable product innovat...


The Rise of Environmental Crime


United Nations Environment Programme

This report introduces to environmental crime, a new area of criminality, which is diversified and skyrocketed to become the world’s fourth largest crime sector in a few decades, growing at 2-3 times the pace of the global economy. It also refers to INTERPOL and UNEPs estimate...


WEEE/E-waste Management Report Phnom Penh Municipality


United Nations Environment Programme

This report discusses how the government of Cambodia is addressing current gaps and future needs to properly manage E-wastes in the PPM. Its specific objectives include building the national and local capacity in Cambodia on inventorization and management of E-waste by underta...

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