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Future E-Waste Scenarios


United Nations Environment Programme United Nations University

StEP, UNU, and UNEP IETC worked extensively on e-waste issues and made an attempt to look into the future of the problem in order to initiate policy level discussions on the challenges and opportunities ahead. Having insight into the future will help policymakers and industrie...


Characterization of brominated flame retardants from e-waste components in China.


Many studies show that high levels of many toxic metals and persistent and bio-accumulative chemicals have been found in electronic waste (e-waste) dismantling sites and their surrounding environmental media. Both flame-retardant plastic housing materials and printed circuit b...


L.1020: Circular Economy: Guide for Operators and Suppliers on approaches to migrate towards circular ICT goods and networks


International Telecommunication Union

This Recommendation suggests approaches of circular economy (CE) for information and communication technology (ICT) goods and networks. It focused particularly on the next steps in improving circularity in the operators′ supply chain. It provides guidance on how operators coul...


A review of the environmental fate and effects of hazardous substances released from electrical and electronic equipments during recycling: Examples from China and India


United Nations University

This paper presents data found in the scientific and grey literature about concentrations of lead (Pb), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), polychlorinated dioxins and furans as well as polybrominated dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs and PBDD/Fs) monitored in various environmen...

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